About Us

Our Club

About our club

Welcome to W.I.C.

The Women’s International Club provides women of all nationalities with the opportunity to meet, foster friendships, share ideas, and enhance their understanding of different cultures. With a commitment to social improvement and the promotion of education, WIC’s major fundraising event is the Annual Charity Bazaar, with profits going to support its social causes.

In the year 1950, four friends from different parts of the world got together in Jakarta. They formed a Club for the specific purpose of providing women of all nationalities with the opportunity to meet, foster friendship, share ideas, and enhance their respect as well as their understanding of different cultures .

The four ladies concerned were Mrs. Suwarni Pringgodigdo (Indonesia), Mrs. Martha Galbraith (United States of America), Mrs. Chrystal Packingham ( United Kingdom) and Mrs. Tarabaig (India) . Thus, Women’s International Club was born on March 11, 1950. To start with they only had 10 members. In the span of one year, membership had grown to sixty and as the years passed, more and more members joined in.

W.I.C is a secular and strictly non-profit and non-political organization, open only to women. An international Executive Committee of 21 members is elected and they hold a two-year term of office. Officially, all communications are in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Membership is comprised of 60% Indonesians and 40% expatriates, which allows various opportunities for ladies from four corners of the globe to meet and mingle.

Aims of the Club:

1. To foster friendship and mutual understanding between women of different nationalities

2. To contribute to the cultural development of women in general

3. To promote the cause of education

4. To enrich social improvement

Our Journey

The Women’s International Club Annual Charity Bazaar has indeed come a long way. Now, after 50 odd years, it is still going strong.

Let’s look back….

It started in the 1960’s with only 380 members comprised of 25 nationalities. From a fundraising committee to setting up the first Lebaran and Christmas Bazaar in 1968, followed by an international one in 1969. Participated by various embassies from Yugoslavia, Malaysia, Philippines, USA, Poland, Burman, Japan, India & Thailand which later added Canada, United Kingdom, India, Germany and Switzerland. Thus, in 1972, the 1st International Bazaar for charity took place. Due to the positive response, they raised a good amount of money especially because of their international contributors. The proceeds were given to Social Welfare.

As the years went by and the following became more popular, the venue of the bazaar changed, from the clubhouse to a hotel ballroom to a convention centre. To the delight of everyone, it raised some unprecedented amount of money which resulted to forming its own Bazaar Proceeds Committee. Solely to assist various institutions in the community for their projects. The dream of the committee in 1972 has now been realised … it has come true!

Our journey still continues…!!!

Affiliated with Welcome Clubs International (WCI)

Welcome Clubs International, Inc, was granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2020.

Achieving UN Special Consultancy Status puts WCI on the world stage of NGOs working together to support women across many areas of activity.

As WCI's member, WIC Jakarta will have opportunities to participate in programs in support of the work of the United Nations.